Seatbelts Save Lives

It’s that time of year again, hiking, barbecues, camping and your favorite swimming hole. With all our favorite summertime activities ramping up into full swing, so is the summertime traffic. Now I know traffic safety isn’t the most exciting thing to talk about, but it goes without saying that it probably wouldn’t hurt to have the discussion. While vehicle safety features have come a long way, the general purpose of the seat belt stays the same. We all know that wearing your seat belt is important, but what if I told you, it could reduce your chances of being fatally […]


Why small conversations make a big impression

Short, frequent discussions can have a real impact on your child’s decisions about alcohol. Talking to your child at an early age about drinking is the first step to- ward keeping them alcohol-free. But as they enter junior high and high school, the pressure to try alcohol increases.1 It’s important to continue the conversation throughout adolescence. Lots of little talks are more effective than one “big talk.” Sitting down for the “big talk” about alcohol can be intimidating for both you and your child. Try using everyday opportunities to talk— in the car, during dinner, or while you and your […]


SHS Students, Healthy Activities Lead to Healthier Choices

BY STAND UP 4 TEENS STUDENTS Stand Up 4 Teens (SU4T) is a youth- led prevention club at Stevenson High School, focused on changing community norms regarding under- age drinking and marijuana use, and prescription drug abuse. SU4T consists of ten high school students who partner with One Prevention Alliance collaborating to implement and facilitate community prevention activities in Skamania County. Prevention is Stand Up 4 Teen’s over- arching goal as a group. We want our fellow students to feel empowered and supported to make smart choices and live happy, healthy lives. Our priority is, above all else, to help […]

Logtoberfest Fun

Saturday, October 2nd was the Wind River Business Association’s Bigfoot Bash Logtoberfest! OPA took family games because Chris Malone reached out and asked for our participation and we said “YES”! During the event, attendees who entered the beer garden or the restrooms saw our PLAN AHEAD, GET HOME SAFE information (see below) While at our booth, families played games and had a blast being entertained by Logger Karen Douglass, One Prevention Alliance Community Coordinator and OPA Chair, Somer Meade.  


Substance Use: You are not alone

Confidential and effective substance use treatment is available in Skamania County by Ellie McDonald, MSW, SUDPT  There are many misconceptions around the risks associated with substance use. Substance use has been normalized within our society.  Smoking, drinking, and other drug use is often glamorized in movies, television shows, and music. In many cases, substance use is also commonplace among our friends and family. It is important to recognize that substance use does pose risk to your health, wellness, and safety. Experimenting with substances may be viewed as normal but puts you at much higher risk for addiction. Substances that are […]


5 reasons why you should talk with your child about alcohol

1. The Chance That Children Will Use Alcohol Increases as They Get Older. About 10 percent of 12-year-olds say they have tried alcohol, but by age 15, that number jumps to 50 percent. The sooner you talk to your children about alcohol, the greater chance you have of influencing their decisions about drinking.1 2. Parents Play a Critical Role in Children’s Decisions to Experiment With Alcohol. Studies have shown that parents have a significant influence on young people’s decisions about alcohol consumption,2 especially when parents create supportive and nurturing environments in which their children can make their own decisions.3 In […]