Prevention during SUMMERTIME Fun!
Three Ways to Help Prevent Teen Summertime Substance Misuse
With summer break coming up, teenage youth often find themselves with more free, and sometimes unsupervised, free time. Here are three things you can do to help keep teens tobacco, drug, and alcohol-free during the summer:
Supervise: Whenever possible, try to ensure you or another responsible adult are present or check in on teens as they engage in summer fun. Dropping by with chips and salsa or ice cream will be a welcome distraction, and you’ll have an opportunity to ensure all is going as expected.
Monitor: When you can’t be physically present, know where your teen is and who they’re with. Don’t be afraid to call or text your child or even check in with other parents to make sure your teen is where they say they are. We know most teens want to make responsible choices, and we also know that teens who have someone checking in are more likely to make more responsible and safe decisions.
Set expectations: Clarify your rules and expectations about behavior. Tell them you expect them to wear a life jacket for water activities and talk to your child about the consequences of underage drinking and drug misuse. As their parent/guardian, you are very influential. If you need ideas or conversation starters, check out this website: https://www.samhsa.gov/talk-they-hear-you.